World View: Deities and Religions
After all seven levels of the world view were presented and
before a whole summary is offered to the user of this website
the idea of an endless spirit as a basis of this work is designed.
Human beings as limited spirits are systematically cut of from the point of view of God. This mean that nobody
can claim God dictated anything to him or her. Consequently are the deities who are perceived by humans necessarily
only an image of a hidden power or an endless spirit. The prism of the white light should stand as an analogy for
The listing of deities in the picture is not a final system of deities and represents only the narrow horizon of the
author concerning religion. So anyone who realizes mistakes and feels therefore offended by his or her religious
beliefs should consider that the emphasis of this topic is the artificial representation of deities within the
"Seven-Level World View".
- Jesus Christ as the Son of God:
The Christianity with about 2 billion followers is symbolised by the the cross.
- The "God" of the atheists:
The blue circle symbolises the belief of the infidels. They do not believe in a God. While the faithful are orientated
to the rules of God the demands of atheists are much higher: These humans have to think and act according to principles which
arise from themselves. This special effort needs our special compliments.
- The Greece Gods:
The Gods of the ancient Greeks are contrary to the monotheistic religions characterised by a lack of a revelation and
a lack of distinguished bans and rules.
- The "God" of the philosophers:
In respect that philosophising leads to knowledge gaining and to finding the thruth a "God" of philosophers is defined.
This "God" should be different from the "God" of the atheists.
- The "Gods" of natural and other religions:
Subsumed by this are e.g. the religions of the indigenous peoples which are characterised by the experience depending on
a power beyond control. Furthermore the sun should symbolise all religions which are not named in this list as for example
the Hinduism with about 800 million followers.
- Buddha as the "God" of the Buddhists:
According to Wikipedia Buddhism can be described as follows: "The term 'Buddha' usually refers to one who has become
enlightened. The level to which this manifestation requires abstraction from ordinary life (ascetic practices) varies
from none at all to an absolute requirement, dependent on doctrine."
- The deities of which we should not reproduce an image.
In the absence of an image e.g. the Islam as a further important world religion is symbolised by an empty white circle.
The work implies a god.
But a benevolent deity would not be easily offended
by the fact that we do not need him because the
regress to him opens the option of totalitarianism.
It is a sin to claim to talk in the name of God.