The "Seven-Level World View" implies a god. But a benevolent deity would not be easily offended by
the fact that we do not need him because the regress to him opens the option of totalitarianism.
Therefore it is a sin to claim to talk in the name of God.
The expulsion from paradise is compensated by gaining knowledge and not by profit maximising.
Knowledge gaining is worship.
Existence consists of the circle of birth, sin, knowledge, death, and rebirth.
This circle is valid for individuals, societies, and mankind.
The life of Jesus Christ could be a metaphor for this circle if it were possible to find a sin in his life.
A Lord of Creation must necessarily create even the evil.
The benevolence of God is the restriction of human abilities to destroy the earth -
the existence of the universe is not in danger
It might be that sexuality is regarded as sin because we fear the death.
The idea of the immaculate conception is the end of history not the beginning.
The solution of future problems is coming to terms with the past.
The existence of individuals is secured by short-term profit maximizing because of its biological limitedness.
The existence of societies is secured by long-term knowledge gaining because of its time-based indefiniteness.
There is an insolvable conflict of goals between short-term profit maximizing and long-term knowledge gaining.
It is the duty of the government to limit the possibilities of short-term profit maximizing in favour
of long-term knowledge gaining.
What does the claim for "elites" mean?
The confession of immaturity?
Elites often present themselves as human who believe to know better what is good for others.
To know better what is good for others is against the spirit of the main statements of Immanuel Kant.
What legitimates elites who do not think and act in the sense of the maxims of the most popular philosophers?
The sense of what Nelson Mandela writes is that elites should know the problems and concerns of the common people.
What legitimates elites who only know the sorrows of the common people out of textbooks?
What legitimates elites who are not orientated internationally and interdisciplinary?
What legitimates elites who do not feel addicted to the social welfare?
What legitimates elites who are not free of prejudices?
What legitimates elites who have no multidimensional life experience?
What is more important: The security of the retired or the future of the youth?
Who cares about the future of the youth?
Are secure retirement pays the future of the youth?
Who is wondering about the political frustration of the youth while having such a belief in the hereafter?
The alternative is: The future of the youth secures the retirement pays.
The increase of the labour force participation of the 15 to 65 year olds secures the retirement pays despite
the demographic development
The social structures are a factor of production.
Income four times the amount of the minimum wage is based on the exploitation of the social structures.
Income of such an amount damages the social welfare as for example unemployed maintain the social structures
by good conduct nearly free of charge.
The economic growth is slowing down because of the "law" of diminishing marginal utility.
The productivity is increasing because of the idea of the evolution theory.
The alternatives are unemployment, wage and social dumping, or the reduction of the hours worked.
Unemployment is not caused individually but the consequence of the social structures.
Unemployed are systematically excluded from the use of the social structures.
While mental and physical fit they are becoming beggars of statutory benefits.
Without any social changes (not by the distribution of charity) it is expected that the good conduct
of unemployed could come to an end.
The selection of professionals and managers in business, science, and politics is a national disaster.
The success of so called "elites" is based on wage and social dumping of the common people.
A well performing community looks different.
Not hard and long work but intelligent and efficient communication is the relevant factor of success
within the international globalization and competitiveness.
"The good achieves acceptance", it is said. But while the present is in the best case determined by the mediocrity
the good needs generation to come across.
The universe thought as binary code equals information if structure assigns itself significance.
Theory and practice as well as mind and matter are related to each other.
Arthur Schopenhauer writes: "He who takes and conducts something serious which does not lead to a material benefit,
should not calculate with the participation of his contemporaries." [Translated by the author]