No. | Chapter | No. | Subchapter | Titel |
01 | Begin | 1 | Home | A Seven-Level World View: All examplex |
02 | Begin | 2 | Home | 1. alt.: World View as image |
03 | Begin | 2 | Home | 1. alt.: World View as model |
04 | Begin | 3 | Home | 2. alt.: World View as description |
05 | Begin | 2 | Home | 1. alt.: World View as Circle |
06 | Begin | 4 | Dedication | Red indian family |
07 | 1. Level | 1 | Image | 1. level: Binary Code |
08 | 1. Level | 2 | Model | Example for a character encoding following ISO 8859 |
09 | 1. Level | 2 | Nothing | Nothing as access to the binary code |
10 | 1. Level | 2 | Nothing | The origin of structure: Nothing, light, Nothing & Onde |
11 | 1. Level | 2 | Light | It was light as access to the binary code |
12 | 1. Level | 2 | Nothing/One | Nothing and One as access to the binary code |
13 | 2. Level | 1 | Image | 2. level: Scientific study |
14 | 2. Level | 2 | Explanation | Example of a study: Wage spiral |
15 | 2. Level | 3 | Explanation | Example of a study: Impact of wages on labour market |
16 | 2. Level | 4 | Model | Zero and one generate characters ... |
17 | 3. Level | 1 | Image | 3. level: Science |
18 | 3. Level | 2 | Explanation | Edited photo as an alternative image |
19 | 3. Level | 3 | Model | The economic analyses as an example for a science |
20 | 3. Level | 4 | Proof | Statements which are proven as access to the sciences |
21 | 3. Level | 4 | Reason | The origin of reasonability: Proof, paper, development |
22 | 3. Level | 6 | Paper | The birth of a theory as access to the sciences |
23 | 3. Level | 7 | Paper | Options to deal with complexity |
24 | 3. Level | 5 | Development | Structure of the studies as access to the sciences |
25 | 4. Level | 1 | Image | 4. level: System of science |
26 | 4. Level | 2 | Explanation | Theory & practice and mind & matter |
27 | 4. Level | 3 | Model | Model of the system of science |
28 | 5. Level | 1 | Image | 5. level: History course |
29 | 5. Level | 2 | Explanation | The cycle of birth, sin, knowledge, death, rebirth |
30 | 5. Level | 3 | Model | Model of the history course |
31 | 6. Level | 1 | Image | 6. level: World spirit |
32 | 6. Level | 2 | Model | The world and the imaginations of the world |
33 | 6. Level | 4 | Reality | Reality as access to the world spirit |
34 | 6. Level | 4 | Reality | The origin of meaning: Reality, senses, media |
35 | 6. Level | 5 | Senses | Senses as access to the world spirit |
36 | 6. Level | 6 | Media | Media as access to the world spirit |
37 | 7. Level | 1 | Image | 7. level: The universe |
38 | 7. Level | 2 | Explanation | The elements of the universe |
39 | 7. Level | 3 | Model | The model of the universe |
40 | 7. Level | 3 | Circle | The circle of the seven levels |
41 | 7. Level | 3 | Animation | The journey through the universe als animation |
42 | Alle L. | 1 | Image | All levels: The world view |
43 | Alle L. | 2 | Model | The models of all levels |
44 | Alle L. | 4 | Light | It was light as access to the world view |
45 | Alle L. | 4 | Light | The origin of believe: Reality, senses, media |
46 | Alle L. | 5 | Prism | Spektral lines as access to the world spirit |
47 | Alle L. | 6 | Deities | Deities as access to the world spirit |
48 | End | 1 | Conclusion | A Seven-Level World View |
49 | End | 6 | Last Page | "Last page" |