1a) Soc. Ins.: Employers
1b) Soc. Ins.: Employees
2. Flexitime
3. Basic Income
4. Income Tax
5. Retired/Unemployed
6a) Inheritance Tax
6b) Eco Tax and VAT
6c) Property Taxes
7. Bureaucracy
The employees share to the social/national insurance depends on the hours worked
(the less the weekly hours worked, the less the percentage of the NI)
The employers share to the social/national insurance depends on the average turnover for each employee (the less the turnover, the less the percentage of the NI)
Flexitime under the condition of reducing the hours worked to increase the machine running time and the productivity
Basic income of about 60% of the average wage regardless of income and property for everybody (plus the introduction of minimum wages to avoid wage dumping)
A uniform income tax of about 40% plus contribution to the national insurance
(a progressive effect and a stimulus to work occurs in conjunction with the basic income)
The basic income for the retired and elderly people plus private pensions replaces the intergenerational contract and the unemployment pays
Financing the basic income by increasing the inheritance tax
(to inherit is not conducive to perform and consolidates social inequality)
Financing the basic income by increasing the eco taxes and VAT
(see the correlation between wages and productivity or energy prices and energy efficiency)
Financing the basic income by increasing the property tax, capital return tax, and Tobin tax
(Richness which increases the inequality is antisocial
The reduction of the bureaucracy is a side effect
(employment centres, social welfare offices, tax offices, retirement insurance and others)
Summary of the measures:
With the support of diverse analyses assumptions, demography, unemployment, worst case, life cycle, labour demand, labour market, inequality) it is shown that we have to work less, earn more, and be socially secured. müssen.
These goals can be reached by the introduction of a basic income in the amount of 60% of the average wage resp. 33% of the GDP in relation with an income tax of 40% for everybody for everything plus a social insurance payment between 0 an 25% without limit for employees and employers depending on working hours and employment. The basic inocme replaces the retirement and unemployment payments. It is financed by the increase of the inheritance tax, the eco tax, the value added tax, the property tax, the capital return tax, the Tobin tax, and the decrease of the bureaucracy. Additional measures are the increase of the minimum wage and a higher degree of flexibility concerning the working hours to increase the productivity.
The consequences of the introduction of a basic income are: the avoidance of poverty and social separation, the creation of a real market for labour, the maintainance of the performance principle, the increase of the purchasing power of the lower income groups, the ensurance of the sustainability by the correlation to the GDP, the democratization of the decision about the amount of the growth rate, the renewance of family peace by abolishing the necessity to pay for children and expartner, the renouncement of the civil marriage, the increase of the birth rate, the healing of mental illness, the decrease of the lack of houses in cities, the revival of rural areas, the abolition of employment agencies and the pension insurance, the reduction of tax offices, and the decrease of the share of capital income.