Measure 6: Increase of taxes for the rich
6a): Increase of the inheritance tax
Financing the basic income by increasing the inheritance tax
(to inherit is not conducive to perform and consolidates social inequality)
1. Avoidance of inheriting social inequality
2. Establishing of a cross-generational achievement principle
1. Preservation of lifelong earned property and capital
2. Succession and maintenance of family businesses
1. Acceptance of the people
2. Exodus of capital to tax havens
3. Envy or justice debates
6b): Increase of the eco taxes and VAT
Financing the basic income by increasing the eco taxes and VAT
(see the correlation between wages and productivity or energy prices and energy efficiency)
1. Saving of energy and increase of the energy efficiency
2. Reduction of the pollution
3. Increase of investments in the environmental technology
1. Maintaining the international competitiveness
2. No logical relation to the basic income
3. The success of this measures leads to the decline of the tax revenues
1. Renewable resources compete against of food
2. Reduction of the purchasing power for the lower wage groups
6c): Increase of taxes on capital and property
Financing the basic income by increasing the property tax, capital return tax, and Tobin tax
(Richness which increases the inequality is antisocial
In Addition measures against tax fraud and abolishing subsidies
1. Social justice
2. Financing the basic income
3. Minimizing the gap between the rich and the poor
1. Envy or justice debates
2. The levy of taxes is alleged to be contradictory to the achievement principle
1. Acceptance of the rich
2. Exodus of capital to tax havens